'American Idol': Meet the Girls of the Top 24 (Part 2)

'American Idol': Meet the Girls of the Top 24 (Part 2) Pretty soon, the semifinals for "American Idol" will air, and we'll see if the dropping ratings are just from people waiting for the live shows, or from people angered over the horribly long, drawn-out process to get to them.

In either case, if you missed out on the episodes thus far, we're here to catch you up on who's who. You can meet the other girls of the Top 24 in our other posts, and get to know the guys too. Here's the last six contestants:

Hallie Day
Hollie Cavanagh
Jen Hirsh
Jessica Sanchez
Shannon Magrane
Skylar Laine

Hallie and Hollie join the Blonde Brigade, but Hallie has received nothing but praise from the judges thus far and should become a standout soon enough. Jen Hirsh has been a standout as well, but might end up overdoing it a bit. Jessica is a latecomer to the spotlight, but has proven her talent of late.

But the sweetheart of this group may be 16-year-old Shannon Magrane, whose talent is accented by the fact that she's the youngest girl in the competition.

Watch these interview videos to meet these six contestants: